#breasts /breasts 1 function of the breast is providing milk to a baby. Another is sexual. A man's breast is an immature version of the female. A woman's breast contains fatty tissues which hold milk-producing glands. The size & shape is determined by the amount of fatty tissue & conditions of muscles & ligaments supporting it. It's not uncommon for 1 breast to be slightly larger than the other. Most breast problems are minor & easy to treat. However, if you notice any of these changes, seek medical advice: $1 painless lump in breast or armpit (possible {cancer}) change in outline or skin of breast discharge from nipple, or retraction or inverted nipple pain with breast feeding (including cracked nipples) $1 Breast {cancer} is the most common form of cancer in women, 1:20 are affected & in the U.K. it causes 10,000 deaths/year. Most occur because the disease has spread beyond the breast at time of detection. Therefore, !b i! early detection is vital & regular self-examination essential !n! (see 'Self Examination' section). The golden rule is !i! be familiar with your own body & examine yourself every month to look for changes. !n! Increased risks include: Not having children (or having them late in life), being overweight, family history of breast {cancer}. If you are 40+ & at increased risk, as well as regular self-examination, find out from your doctor about local screening services.